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How to Make Friends at Church
It’s tough to plunge into a new congregation. Here’s how to get your head above water.
Tidak Ada yang Namanya ‘Ruang Aman’
Budaya kita menghargai perlindungan diri. Namun kasih sejati menuntut kita untuk saling mendekat.
Being HumanEpisode 16|33min
Playfulness, Earnestness, and Worship
Opening ourselves up to the possibility of God’s presence.
In a Divided World, Practice Patient Persuasion
A law professor shares lessons on respectful disagreement in the classroom, the church, and the wider culture.
Persahabatan yang Rusak Itu Menyakitkan
Bagi orang beriman, baik hubungan yang lama maupun baru mempunyai bobot dan nilai kekekalan.
Saya Suka Belajar Matematika. Saya Perlu Tuhan untuk Menunjukkan Alasannya.
Pada saat krisis, dorongan saya untuk menjadi yang terbaik sepertinya semakin sia-sia.
O que as pesquisas dizem sobre as cinco linguagens do amor
Até mesmo Gary Chapman esclarece que a questão não é escolher uma única linguagem do amor.
Kata Penelitian Tentang Lima Bahasa Kasih
Bahkan Gary Chapman pun mengklarifikasi bahwa ini bukan soal memilih satu saja.
Try to Talk Before You Go
Cutting off “toxic” people is social media’s go-to mental health advice. But Jesus commands us to seek conversation and reconciliation.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 92|49min
Seth Kaplan’s Answer to Our Collective Problem
A leading expert on fragile states says stability starts at home.
Una investigación puso a prueba los cinco lenguajes del amor
Incluso Gary Chapman aclara que no se trata de elegir solo uno.
What Research Says About the Five Love Languages
Even Gary Chapman clarifies it’s not about picking just one.
Being HumanEpisode 4
History of Systems and the Nature of Every Belief
Understanding generational relational dynamics can help us connect with who we are—and with God and others too.
David Brooks: We Change People for the Better by Knowing Them More Fully
The New York Times columnist says extraordinary things happen—both personally and socially—when we pay attention to others.
50 athées ont trouvé le Christ. Une chercheuse examine pourquoi.
Jana Harmon brosse un tableau détaillé des raisons qui poussent les sceptiques à la foi.
Friends Are Your Family of Faith—and Your Spiritual Comrades-in-Arms
Rebecca McLaughlin takes the topic of friendship beyond warm and fuzzy feelings.

Top Story June 14, 2024

Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
From a wider slate of six candidates, president Clint Pressley takes the “strange honor” of leading the convention’s growing factions toward missional unity.

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